Shop Policies

Returns & Exchanges

PDF patterns are not eligible for refund. Because of the nature of the dissemination of the digital product, we cannot accept returns.
Ready to ship items can be returned for full refund within 14 business days of receipt.

Shipping costs for returns of product defects will be borne by the seller; shipping costs for all other return reasons will be borne by the original purchaser. 

Custom Order Cancellation

Custom order items may be canceled at any time; however any deposit secured in advance is non-refundable so long as all deadlines are met. Deposits cover any materials obtained and time invested in creating a custom product.
Custom orders approved and shipped are subject to the same return policy as Ready to Ship items, less the deposit.

If a deadline for a custom order is not met, the customer will have the option of canceling the custom order and receiving a full refund of their deposit.

Seller and purchaser will likewise have the option to extend the deadline at the purchaser's discretion.


PDF patterns will be delivered immediately upon checkout.

Ready to ship apparel and destash yarn and fiber tools will ship within 2 business days.

Turnaround times and shipping details for custom orders will be decided on a case-by-case basis and will be outlined prior to confirming the custom order.

Tracking information will be provided upon shipment.

Custom Orders

Every project takes a different level of skill and time investment. I set my prices based on a formula that takes into consideration the cost of the materials, time invested, and complexity of a project. The same formula that is used to price my normal listings is used to price custom listings.